In April 2024, the three members from the Colombian team visited Mexico together with Salka from Denmark as part of our project "S&RHR education in Colombia and Mexico".
The two weeks had a packed program with a variety of activities where icrebreaker and team building activities sat the mood the first days. Some members of the teams already knew each other from the visit in Colombia in October 2023, but there are new members in both Colombia and Mexico, so these activities were a great help to strengthen ties and gain confidence. The Mexican team also led a tour of legends through the city center of Querétaro.
The Colombian team had the opportunity to observe two workshops that were held by the Mexican team. This was very beneficial way for both teams to reflect on differences and similarities between the two contexts as well as share teaching and classroom strategies.
The teams also shared learnings from work with students, teachers and families and were able to share the progress of the projects being carried out in each country.
Time was spent on reviewing and adjusting the workshop material and activities, future plans were made for social media, and there were discussions on changes to ways of monitoring and evaluating the workshops.
This meeting was an enriching experience to strengthen the bonds between the teams, not only professionally but also on a more personal level, promoting a better work environment and improving internal communication within the organization.

The trip is part of our project "S&RHR education in Colombia and Mexico" that runs between April 2023 and August 2024 and has received funding from
