We are currently working closely with two rural schools a couple of hours outside of Rionegro, Antioquia. The first visit at the schools took place in July, where two representatives travelled to the area and worked closely with both students and teachers in the primary and secondary school.
During the stay, the experience was very rewarding. The students showed great interest in all topics related to comprehensive sexual education, and they participated actively with several questions that allowed us to debunk many myths surrounding the topic. This level of receptivity confirms the importance and the need in the area.
Similarly, the teaching staff showed enthusiasm in participating in the activities and workshops. Teachers were very willing to learn more and enrich their educational practices with new knowledge on sexuality. Their collaboration and questions are essential in the process of designing a program that responds to the specific needs of their school communities, thus ensuring a positive and lasting impact on the educational process.
The visit also made the challenges that the population in rural areas face in terms of access to health services very visible, which reinforces our commitment to continuously improve the methodology and scope of our workshops.
This visit forms part of the project "S&RHR education program for a rural school in Colombia" that has received funds from Cisu ajd speaks into our purpose to continue working for a comprehensive sexual education that includes all communities in Colombia.