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Our team gathering to work on new projects

Our team gathered for a work weekend in Popayán, to meet in person with our newest team member Lu, to get work done and of course, to have time to socialize as well. In the near future, we have a lot of exciting work coming up, and we wanted to get a head start on it.

It was great to see each other again after many months of working virtually and we are very excited to move forward with the projects coming up this fall.

Podcast launch

Since the pandemic has made school collaborations complicated and we are a bit unsure when we can fully go back to our in-person workshops, we have been working on alternative platforms to bring sexual health education to Colombian teenagers. We have been working on our podcast for a while and it is finally coming to life today Wednesday the 15th of September. We are very excited to share this new adventure and are working on possibilities for schools, students, and teachers with whom we already work to participate in this project.

If you are interested, you can listen to our podcast “Mi Cuerpo ConSentido” on your favorite podcast platform.

New possibility in Popayán

A new in-person possibility has occurred thanks to a contact of Lu’s. We have started a new collaboration with a community project in the outskirts of Popayán - Casa Caracola. This project does amazing work with kids and teenagers from the community, creating workshops, helping with homework, sports, music and more. We will be doing sexual health education workshops with a group of 16 teenagers connected to Casa Caracola, and we are very excited. Lu and Nori are preparing the in-person workshops and the material and are going to do the workshops together in these upcoming weeks.

We visited Casa Caracola on Sunday and met the founder and some of the kids at the house. It was a beautiful experience, a lot of positive energy, and we gave them a book “The Wonder Down Under” and some of our fanzines for them to include in their library. We also gave them some computers that an anonymous donor facilitated for them. This is a great tool for the house moving forward their projects.


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