I had my initiation meeting with Salka on Monday the 14th of June which was a very encouraging. I was introduced to all the platforms we use at Mi Cuerpo / Min Krop, and we went over my schedule and my first assignments.
First, I will be updating the organization’s GDPR policy and all that that entails. Later, I will assist in searching and applying for funds for future projects, as well as be involved with the communication team. I am so excited to get started and feel like I have already learned so much in just one week!
One thing that I found very refreshing in Salka as an internship provider, is that she made a big deal out of preparing me for the way the team works – especially how internal feedback is a dynamic and important part of every piece of work that comes out from the organization. Harvesting all of the team member’s skills and applying them makes us the best we can be.

Having a work environment of mutual trust and open communication makes it easier to move ahead in the right direction, as well as avoid misunderstandings. I feel so grateful to have found a place where I can actually learn and grow while contributing value to a project I believe to be of great importance. And even more so to have found a team in which I can be myself, ask questions and where from the beginning we aligned our expectations based on the needs of both parties, as equals.
It was lovely to meet the rest of the team, although it was an online meeting due to the physical distance between Colombia and Denmark. The passion and dedication for sexual education and gender equality of each team member shines through in the way the team eagerly discusses, plans, and takes on responsibility to provide the best product or service possible. Even in these times of the pandemic, they have powered through and made the impossible possible, carrying out online workshops while also finding ways to include the less privileged students who do not have access to internet and devices from home.

I was truly inspired by their efforts and their enthusiasm. I also see a growing organization with great potential. With exciting projects coming up, in addition to the workshops in Colombia and talks Denmark, as well as ideas for book projects and material for education - undoubtedly a great administrative task lies ahead. This is where I hope to make a difference for the team – being fluent in four languages and being familiar with the bureaucracy of Denmark, I believe I can alleviate the burden which normally falls on Salka, the Managing Director and founder. Also, the communicative tasks are many and I hope to be of help in this department as well. Thus, I feel like I truly have a purpose and a role to fill during my internship with Mi Cuerpo / Min Krop.